Look on this Xciting Eid, i bring to u the Stars of the Month in My Profile :D
let me introduce all of them :P

from Cow n Chicken

1- Do you wake up with enough time margin in Sehri or just rush to the dinning room five minutes before Azan time?
Answer : I wake up with enough time margin in Sehri cuz ive to go n wake oders. JAAGTE RAHOOOOO :P
2- A must have food item in Sehri / Iftar?
Answer : in Sehri there is nothing must....but in Aftari it is must to open my Roza with a Khajoor and Fruit chat.
3- A food item you try to avoid in Sehri/ Iftar?
Answer : MILK in Sehri and Chapati in Aftari (which i normally do avoid)
4- Have you observed fast without Sehri this ramzan?
Answer : NO :P
5- Which thing you crave for after Iftar? Milk, Tea, Coffee, Cigarette … etc?
Answer : Lays (French Cheese) :P
6- Invited for Iftar this ramzan? How many times and by whom?
Answer : None... lucky this tym :D
7- Invited for Sehri and/or invited somebody for the same at your place?
Answer : well not for Sehri....but yeah Chacha and guests were invited more than 7 tyms. -huh-
8- Dinned out at Sehri? If yes, how was the experience?
Answer : Never, not even thot of doing tht.
9- Would you like to recommend a place for Iftar?
Answer : My Home... ur invited ;)
Well oder than tht i lyk going for a hi-tea @ PC or Islamabad Club.
10- Routine changes in Ramzan, so do the college and office timings. With half of the ramzan gone, have you adjusted yourself with this new routine or still struggling? Or your routine varies from weekdays to weekends in a different way than it used to be before Ramzan; and are you quite satisfied with the goings?
Answer : well i was desperately waiting for ramzan bcuz of the office timings.....we almost reach home early than normal timings and hav enuf tym to sleep. i wish dez timings wont ever change....even if Ramzan ends.
11- Are there any non-Muslims in the circle of your colleagues, class-fellows and friends? And do they avoid eating openly?
Answer : ummmmm.......i hav friends in circle who r non-Muslims and they really respect Ramzan.
12- Do you think you are doing justice with your Ebadaat this month, in a true sagacity as it should be in ramzan?
Answer : starting of the month was quite energized but then devil took over me n i started leaving my isha prayers as i slept early...but now im getting back to it.
13- Do you go shopping on chand raat? If ‘yes’ then with family, friends or alone?
Answer : yeah i manage to take out a list of things while setting there priority or severity level to 1 so tht i can go out on chand raat...... but hav to go wid family.
14- Are we going to celebrate this Eid with Musharraf as president? And next Eids with both: Mush and BB as ‘P’ and ‘PM’ respectively?
Answer : well i'll b happy in celebrating there joy as far as they give me a healthy n wealthy Eidiee :PMany years have passed us by
Each one I carefully trace
Remembering the time we shared
These moments I embrace
Strong and filled with wisdom
My kind and gentle heart
You filled me with the deepest love
My blessed work of art
Kindness did exude from you
Such peace I always found
Together with my memories
My heart to you is bound
Candle glow upon the wall
I see you standing there
Smile of love my masterpiece
This canvas heart will wear
Flicking within the night
Our shadows now will meet
Dancing in the softest light
Two hearts of love now greet
Flame of love will always burn
No matter where you are
Look upon the softest glow
You're never really far.
Story # 1
It's a fine sunny day in the forest and a lion is sitting outside his cave, lying lazily in the sun. Along comes a fox, out on a walk.
Fox: "Do you know the time, because my watch is broken"
Lion: "Oh, I can easily fix the watch for you"
Fox: "Hmm... But it's a very complicated mechanism, and your big claws will only destroy it even more."
Lion: "Oh no, give it to me, and it will be fixed"
Fox: "That's ridiculous! Any fool knows that lazy lions with great claws cannot fix complicated watches"
Lion: "Sure they do, give it to me and it will be fixed"
The lion disappears into his cave, and after a while he comes back with the watch which is running perfectly. The fox is impressed, and the lion continues to lie lazily in the sun, looking very pleased with himself. Soon a wolf comes along and stops to watch the lazy lion in the sun.
Wolf: "Can I come and watch TV tonight with you, because mine is broken"
Lion: "Oh, I can easily fix your TV for you"
Wolf: "You don't expect me to believe such rubbish, do you? There is no way that a lazy lion with big claws can fix a complicated TV
Lion: "No problem. Do you want to try it?"
The lion goes into his cave, and after a while comes back with a perfectly fixed TV. The wolf goes away happily and amazed.
Scene : Inside the lion's cave. In one corner are half a dozen small and intelligent looking rabbits who are busily doing very complicated work with very detailed instruments. In the other corner lies a huge lion looking very pleased with himself.
Moral :
Management Lesson in the context of the working world :
Story # 2
It's a fine sunny day in the forest and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter. Along comes a fox, out for a walk.
Fox: "What are you working on?"
Rabbit: "My thesis."
Fox: "Hmm... What is it about?"
Rabbit: "Oh, I'm writing about how rabbits eat foxes."
Fox: "That's ridiculous ! Any fool knows that rabbits don't eat foxes!
Rabbit: "Come with me and I'll show you!"
They both disappear into the rabbit's burrow. After few minutes, gnawing on a fox bone, the rabbit returns to his typewriter and resumes typing.
Soon a wolf comes along and stops to watch the hardworking rabbit.
Wolf: "What's that you are writing?"
Rabbit: "I'm doing a thesis on how rabbits eat wolves."
Wolf: "you don't expect to get such rubbish published, do you?"
Rabbit: "No problem. Do you want to see why?"
The rabbit and the wolf go into the burrow and again the rabbit returns by himself, after a few minutes, and goes back to typing. Finally a bear comes along and asks, "What are you doing?
Rabbit: "I'm doing a thesis on how rabbits eat bears."
Bear: "Well that's absurd!"
Rabbit: "Come into my home and I'll show you"
Scene : As they enter the burrow, the rabbit introduces the bear to the lion.
Management Lesson in the context of the working world:
All My Tears
by Julie Miller
When I go don’t cry for me
In my father’s arms I’ll be
The wounds this world left on my soul
Will all be healed and I’ll be whole
Sun and moon will be replaced
With the light of Jesus’ face
And I will not be ashamed
For my savior knows my name
It don’t matter where you bury me
I’ll be home and I’ll be free
It don’t matter where I lay
All my tears be washed away
Gold and silver blind the eye
Temporary riches lie
Come and eat from heaven’s store
Come and drink and thirst no more
So weep not for me my friend
When my time below does end
For my life belongs to him
Who will raise the dead again
It won’t matter where you bury me
I’ll be home and I’ll be free
It won’t matter where I lay
All my tears be washed away