WUHUUUU.....its my birthday today. 8th September '85 was the day the whole world was blessed with angel named Tayyaba :P
When i was young i looked lyk this :D
i Luved my outfits ;)
i luved the parties :P
enjoyed eating cake!!!

PLACE MY GIFTS NEXT TO MY TABLE :D khe khe khe kheOne of the benefits (really the only benefit) of having one's birthday fall on a holiday is that you can usually guarantee a long weekend in which to celebrate. I had 3 days planned of bliss and merriment which I was especially looking forward to on a couple of fronts. First, I've been working a lot of weekdays working late and just having a runnaway weekend is a bona fide treat. Second, my mom and I actually had a non-Sunday day off together which meant that we could go out and have fun while shopping. That is a very rare treat, indeed.
Saturday, it started for me before than actually the saturday started :P i recieved my first phone call by my far away friend but quite quite dear to me..PeTu... then 10 mins to 12 i started recieving msgs on n off from my mamoo, friends, juinors, collegues, loved ones...attended a huge list of calls.....n it took almost 1 hour to end up....not to miss my Gifted Brother DADDU also called me....n tht was a huge surprise for me....although i got a lil hint b4 but i still didnt get wat i was told...neways....last msg after a complete hour was of a guy(long awaited enemy i guess)....then on net....got soo many wishes from my net friends,neighbours,univ fellows, and my social circle...... it was a blessed day indeed. i slept quite late. I woke up in the morning quite late cuz of last nite...All day went perfecty well....presents,love,happiness,surprises,Dinner.....CAKE Ofcourse :D
It was a great feeling.
I got very pretty flowers and gifts. For all my griping it was a good weekend. Having people over to visit isn't the end of the world and is actually pretty nice. Being able to help out at work. And being "forced" to wander around Target sounds like a pretty good way to spend a day off.
I've decided I really need to enjoy this year especially since this is my ambitious year. Yea! My opinion matters for one more year! Go me!
I am excited for it.
And it is only during my birthday that someone remembers my existence.
I am probably the least Zen person among my friends. Because I get so excited for the future, I’d dream up different scenarios already. I have been this way since I was small, I am always making plans for the future, and imagining things in my head.
I am so excited, that just for my birthday, but also for masters/MS(status :P), which is actually a year from now according to my dreamz :D. But I already can’t wait for it.
I wonder what would happen to me once I’m 40?
Or in the future in general, actually :D